Energetic re-balancing to enhance wellness.

Simple, non-intrusive techniques to help reclaim your well-being and joy! 

How do the Emotion, Body & Belief Codes help?

Trapped Emotions Released

Dr. Bradley Nelson, a renowned holistic/ energy practitioner, discovered that emotionally charged events from your past can continue to haunt you in the form of "trapped emotions". Some of the emotional energy surrounding these events can become stuck in the body causing discomfort, malfunction, sadness, anxiousness and other ailments.  Not only do they disturb the energy flow in the body, they can also have a dramatic negative effect by attracting similar energies which can impact your thinking, your relationships and ultimately how successful you are in life.  Releasing these energies is helpful in allowing the body to function normally again as it was meant to do.  Utilizing  a practice involving applied kinesiology, intention and magnetic energy called the Emotion Code we can quickly and easily release these trapped emotions.

Heart Wall Taken Down
Dr. Bradley Nelson (Retired)

Dr. Bradley Nelson

Heart Wall

One of Dr. Nelson's most important discoveries was that trapped emotional energies often gather around the heart creating a "Heart Wall" that may block you from love and happiness and can make you feel disconnected from others. Imagine if you had a heart wall built of energy frequencies like anger, despair or guilt.  When you try and send someone love and friendship, this "wall" acts as a filter through which these energies travel. People may perceive you totally  differently than the energies you are sending out. 

The same can work in the opposite manner.  Those around you may be trying to help you, love you and give you friendship. However, you are receiving these energies through the same heart wall filter and you may not experience their real and positive feelings.  Releasing these energies and taking down the heart wall may help your relationships and improve your intuition.  The Heart Wall can normally be released in just a few sessions.

Body Code Work?

Imbalances in the Body Identified and Corrected
Healthy Energy Body, Energetic healing

The Body Code utilizes a broader form of energy work to identify and correct imbalances in the body that may be causing physical and emotional problems. We work on the health of the energy body by releasing trapped emotional energies, and correcting blocked energy meridians and chakras. We also look at the physical and emotional symptoms from an energetic perspective and rebalance, release and correct blockages, deficiencies and or negative energies according to the client's needs.

The goal is to remove these imbalances and blockages and create the proper environment for the body to heal itself.

Identifying and Resolving Unwanted or Faulty Subconscious Beliefs

The Belief code is a structured method for identifying and resolving subconscious beliefs that would be consciously recognized by the person to be false or unwanted.

Many of our beliefs are created before the age of 7 by our subconscious mind without the benefit of having a rational filter.  We simply accept them without conscious evaluation as a child.  These beliefs are often created as a result of associations with experiences that were scary or emotionally impactful to us.

Our subconscious retains these associations even though we would consciously regard them as being incorrect or distorted beliefs.  Similar current events in our lives may result in triggering these beliefs which can negatively affect our physiology and behaviors.

The Belief Code is a means of identifying these inaccurate belief systems, and making changes to our energy field to reduce resulting stresses and assist the body to heal.

How do the Emotion, Body and Belief Codes Work?

Emotion Code Ottawa, Body Code Ottawa

Scientists have long known that we are only using less than 10% of our brain capacity.  The other silent and unconscious 90% of our brain resources store information and keep the body functioning efficiently.  This subconscious portion of the brain is capable of storing vast amounts of information. Everything you have ever done is recorded in your subconscious mind.  Your subconscious mind is also aware of the trapped emotions that you are harboring and the impact they are having on your life.  It also knows what your body needs in order to get well.  

The Emotion, Body and Belief Codes are processes that use a form of kinesiology to tap into the intelligence of the subconscious mind.. Muscle testing works like a polygraph machine by sensing the electrical responses in the body when asked questions.  Muscles become weakened in a state of incongruence.  Once the issue has been identified we use intention to release or rebalance the imbalance.  A magnet is used to magnify the intention and infuse it into the body through the Governing Meridian. 

Rebalancing the energy body helps to support the body restore wellbeing so physical and emotional difficulties often disappear or become more manageable.