Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do you release and correct imbalances?

All human beings are made of energy.  To release imbalances I get into a calm and peaceful state.  I then pray for guidance and assistance.  From that place I connect to the energy field of the client   Utilizing charts and techniques from the Body Code, Belief Code and the Emotion Code and muscle testing the imbalances are brought up in order of priority and are identified and released one at a time.  The release is done at a subconscious level.   Your inner wisdom is a partner in the releasing.

2. Do you need my permission to do healing work on me?

Yes!  As an Emotion Code, Body Code or Belief Code practitioner, I will not work on any person without their permission.  For children or adults who are unable to respond themselves (i.e. a person in a coma), a parent or guardian gives the permission.

3. Are medications used?

No.  In some cases a nutritional deficiency or a pathogen may be identified where a physical remedy is necessary to correct the issue.  In this case I will inform you of the issue and can test for you the particular remedy that your subconscious prefers.  Always talk to your health care professional for guidance and advice.

4. Are you able to see my thoughts during the session?

Not at all.  You inner wisdom knows the circumstances that are causing your issue.  Through a series of yes/no questions and the use of tools and charts, I am able to hone in on the imbalance and then release it with magnified intention.

5. Do you have to know all about my past in order to release imbalances and trapped emotions?

No.  You may not even remember the incidents that caused you to trap some emotions and you don't have to.  Your inner wisdom knows all the details.  If you do remember, you do not have to share them with me although many want to.  The trapped emotion needs to be identified and then released.  Once it is released the negative emotional charge of the painful incident is lessened.

6. Once Trapped Emotions are released, will they return?

No.  You can however continue to trap emotions in the present.  The good news is that as you release old trapped emotions you are not as likely to be triggered by certain circumstances and trap more emotions.   Dealing with the present will becomes easier.

7. Will all the Trapped Emotions and imbalances release at once?

No. Trapped emotions and imbalances are released one at a time.  They are often trapped in layers.  Your inner wisdom knows which imbalances need to be released first and how many imbalances can be released in a single session.

8. After my Trapped Emotions are released, will I still be able to feel emotions?

Yes.  Everyday we experience a wide variety of emotions.  After release, the emotions you experience will be based on the present moment and not negatively influenced or magnified by old negative trapped emotions.  This will give the opportunity for positive emotions to grow and negative emotions to become less intense.

9. How can you work over the phone?

Energy is not limited by time or space.  At some level we are all connected.  It is just a matter of connecting our energies kind of like selecting a radio station.  The results are just as positive long distance as they are in person.  This is wonderful considering we are all busy and not everyone has the time or capability to go somewhere else for healing.

10. How many sessions will be needed?

It depends on how many imbalances underlie the issue needing to be addressed and how many can be addressed at one time.  It has happened that just one session was needed for positive changes.  Usually it takes more than one and sometimes many.

11. How long will a session take?

We allocate 30 minutes for a session.  It may take less time if your body indicates that it has reached its limit for releasing in that session.  As a new client, I do an initial evaluation to look at the general overall health of the energy body.  The initial evaluation takes about 45 minutes.  

12. Will I notice results immediately?

Sometimes the release of a trapped emotion or other imbalance will have an instantaneous and dramatic effect.  Most of the time the effects are more subtle and gradual.  Many people report that they feel lighter, more peaceful and less anxious after a session.  It typically can take a few days for results to manifest and sometime it may take a number of sessions.  For some issues to be resolved it is like addressing the layers on an onion.  

Some people cannot see the changes in themselves but they notice changes in the way others react to them.  Most people see that their life circumstances are changing for the better.

13. Are there any side effects?

After a session processing symptoms can occur in about 20% of the cases .  The energy body has to heal and reorganize to regain its balance.  It is helpful to keep hydrated and to get extra rest for a couple of days after a session.    These can include feeling out of sorts, some changes in our sleeping pattern, vivid dreams, and some emotional ups and downs.  Most people do not notice anything negative and you might feel great..