Energetic re-balancing for better health.

Glenda Levesque - Your Body Code and Emotion Code Practitioner 

Meet Glenda

I feel like I have been preparing for this vocation my whole life.  My undergraduate degree was in Biochemistry and I have always had a keen interest in the sciences particularly as it applies to health and wellness.

I have been there too

I can also understand and have personally experienced the despair of many years of ongoing and worsening health challenges. My list of health issues included migraines, allergies, intolerances, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, retina degeneration, gall bladder removal, back problems, infertility, menorrhagia, and cancer (3 times).

My Journey to Wellness

Through extensive research, education and a commitment to take care of my body, I began my journey back to health.  In my path to wellness I have tried many alternative therapies over the years.  Most of these experiences were helpful but I can truthfully say that the Emotion Code and the Body Code have changed my life. 

These modalities have finally uncovered and corrected the root causes of my symptoms.  They have given me back my health, my well being and my joy.  I was so impressed with the success that I was having with the Emotion code and the Body code that I became a Certified Practitioner so I could help others.  It is such a blessing and so gratifying to help clients improve and reclaim their lives .