Energetic re-balancing to enhance wellness.

Simple and non-intrusive techniques to help you reclaim your well-being and joy! 

If you suffer from chronic physical or emotional discomfort, whether it be back, shoulder, hip or knee issues, headaches, digestive trouble, anxiousness, fears or suffering elsewhere in the body you may have energetic imbalances. These imbalances might be preventing the body from healing and restoring you to a pain-free state.

By using a revolutionary new process we can identify imbalances and blockages that underly the symptoms you are experiencing and work to release the blockage and re-balance the body.  The process is non-invasive, and can be done over the phone or Skype.  It is not necessary to retell the story of the events that may have caused the imbalances in order to release them. Schedule an appointment to feel better today!.

Living without discomfort, Releasing emotions

 Get Back to
Living Your Life Today!

 Chronic discomfort can have a huge impact on your life.....

  1. Have you given up activities you love to do because of functional limitations in a particular area of the body?

  2. Are you becoming more and more dependent on others to do things for you?

  3. Is physical discomfort impacting your ability to get a good night's sleep?

  4. Is turmoil having an impact on your relationships?

  5. Do you find that you are becoming sad as a result of the difficulties you are experiencing?

  6. Are you concerned about the increasing number and quantity of prescriptions that you are needing to take?

Suffering can have a negative impact in all these areas of your life.

There is hope.....!

headaches, chronic issues, suffering

Suffer from chronic issues?

Have you been to doctor after doctor and still cannot figure out what is wrong?

Confused doctor, chronic issues

Have you undergone treatments, surgery, physical therapy, other therapies and are still suffering?

Perhaps you know what you need to do to feel better but are feeling blocked from moving forward and in a cycle of self-limiting behavior?

If you answered "Yes" to any of the above questions, it might be a sign that your energetic body is out of alignment and that the electrical system of your body could use some attention and some support.

We Are Energetic Beings

Based on our work with clients, Emotion Code and Body Code practitioners believe that blockages and disturbances in our energy bodies can lead to physical ailments, anguish and suffering.  Many users have reported that it has been helpful to release imbalances, blockages, density and contraction in their energetic bodies to achieve wellness, function better and feelhappier.  Opening these energy channels may lead to living life more fully and naturally as we were meant to live it. 

The famous physicist Albert Einstein proved that energy and matter are dual expressions of the same universal substance. This also applies to our human form.  Our energy body and our physical body overlap and coexist in the same general space. This is possible because they vibrate at different frequencies just like television and radio frequencies can occupy the same space.  Based on this premise it makes sense that restoring energetic balance can lead to improved well-being and feeling better.

Harold S. Burr, a neuro-anatomist at Yale University in the 1940's studied the energy fields around living plants and animals.  An interesting finding was that the energy field around tiny seedlings was not the energy field of the seed but of the adult plant.  He alsofound that the energy field was the template for the growth, development and repair of the physical body.  

Energy fields

When the energy field is disturbed this leads to problems in the physical body.  Reestablishing balance in the energy field was necessary for the body to heal.

energetic imbalances , poor diet, stress difficult childhood toxins,

What Causes Imbalances and Blockages?

Life experiences can lead to imbalances and blockages.  Things such as toxins, a difficult childhood, accidents, strong emotional events, stress, poor food choices, and so on. Once we have these blockages it can lead to a downward spiral of one ailment after another getting more and more serious.

The Good News!

Our bodies are in a continual state of renewal and they have an amazing ability to heal when the conditions are right.  We generate new stomach lining cells every 3 days, liver cells every six weeks and new skin cells every month. Our sessions identify and work to resolve those imbalances that are hindering the Body's natural ability to thrive.  We need to take care of our energetic bodies just like we need to take care of our physical bodies in order to be healthy.  Get an Energetic Health checkup today!

Renewal and Regeneration